
“My goal was to become a fitter, healthier version of myself and to get more energy. My sleeping patterns were all over the place which meant my energy levels were low. This creates a cycle of not wanting to eat well, not having energy to train and generally getting tired, frustrated and injured. This absolutely changed when working with Bec. The first thing Bec did was sat with me for an hour to understand where I was, where I wanted to be, my motivations and also understand where my priorities were. We talked about my overall health and well-being too, not just the physical side of things. Eventually, I started sleeping better, I found a great way to eat healthy in a more convenient and consistent way, and made huge achievements with my physical health. From the time I started to the time I finished with Bec, I made huge steps towards my fitness and strength goals. I felt great, was sleeping better and had found a manageable way to include training into my lifestyle rather than feeling like I was forcing myself to do it. I also enjoyed training so much more and looked forward to my sessions with Bec so I could not only show what I’d achieved but get excited about what was next. Something to remember going forward is to not to beat myself up when things don’t go well but also remember that it’s harder to start all over again so if possible, don’t let a few bad days ruin the rest of the week / month. I also need to remember to celebrate my achievements!”

— Jess

“My goal at the start of my journey was to become a better weightlifter. This changed when I got diagnosed with auto-immune disease and started medication right away. The 3 things I have learnt is to accept my body for what is it is and not what I want it to be. Bex helps remind me of this as I am an overachiever by nature. Something I have to remember going forward is - the second is that I would not be near remission without the amazing support of my rehabilitation team especially, Bex. Thirdly, I have learnt to ask for what I need being sick and it was good that Bex suggested ideas for exercise because I already had decision fatigue from trying to manage my illness. The three things that have surprised me during this journey is how much exercise I could still do, it wasn't the high intensity I'm used to but it kept my muscles working. Secondly, Bex came up with an amazing idea when I had a week that I couldn't exercise, doctors orders. So we did wellbeing practice instead so I didn't go crazy. Thirdly, a huge part of me getting better is Bexs programming and coaching. She genuinely cares about my health and wellbeing. I look forward to what we can achieve in the future.”

— Isabella

“​​I really wanted to feel stronger. I've been in and out of gyms for a long long time, but was never able to be super consistent, and therefore never saw any significant results. I wanted to commit to the process, get my butt in the gym and lift heavy things! I absolutely achieved my goal of feeling stronger.  I worked with Rebecca for several years, and I always had small goals such as doing a chin up (I was able to do three!), being able to squat my bodyweight on the bar (I can't tell you how excited I was when that happened!), or lifting certain weights over my head in a snatch and clean/jerk (I LOVED doing split jerks!).  I learned countless things during my journey, but probably the big ones were that consistency is key, even if you have a bad day and can't do what is scheduled on a given gym day. Just showing up is half the battle. I also learned to not care what other people are doing/lifting around you. You are powerful and strong and it doesn't matter if you're lifting 5kgs or 20. Lastly, accountability is key. Having people around to support you and encourage you is so inspiring and you want to make your loved ones proud!”

— Ally


“My initial goal was to get stronger and feel healthier. 3 things I learnt from working with Rebecca were how interconnected my physical, mental states are. I didn’t realise how much my sleep, water and nutrition were related to my energy and headspace. I learnt what I need to be my best self, and the power of habits. How to be present in my body. That I’m really unmotivated about exercise when I do things on my own. Some things that surprised me on my journey were how good it feels to realise how much stronger you’ve become in everyday life, eg lifting groceries etc. That I could do weights, and how much I loved them and how bad my sleep, water, steps were, and how much of a difference protein made to my energy levels. Post working with Rebecca I haven’t been sick in sooooo long! The new habits I have around water, steps, veges, protein and sleep have stuck since I finished the program and they have been absolutely life changing, my energy levels and mood have been so much better and I will continue doing this forever. It’s made me think twice about other aspects of my life, like drinking and unhealthy meals associated with socialising, and planning around / avoiding them has helped me feel better physically and lose a bit of weight which has made me more body confident.”

— Stella

“My initial goal was to lose weight and learn more about food nutrition, after time my goal amended to more of a focus on getting the right nutrition than cutting food. I learnt that 1. ensuring i got my nutrition through meeting macros was the most important thing, 2. all foods have these values but some more and better than others, 3. these can be yummy foods too! Some things i learnt were, 1. how much meal prep can assist with getting optimal nutrition, 2. importance of vegetables!!! 3. how much more energy i had and awareness of the different health areas impact e.g. sleep. Something that changed was I gained more awareness of foods. Something I have to remember going forward is, one meal is not going to ruin everything. I don’t think there was anything Rebecca could have offered, she was good at listening and making the programme easy to incorporate into everyday life - didn’t feel difficult or a burden at all!”

— Lucy

“My goal at the start of the journey was I wanted to get back to my Sydney weight/physique that I have lost during the lockdown in 2020. From initially starting working with Rebecca my goal slightly changed in that I had shifted my focus from pure weight related to general well being. And it made a huge difference for me. In the process i learnt that, happiness with oneself is not just one dimensional, that it’s okay to enjoy life in all its facets and still manage to be healthy and fit and that the word “why” is a game changer. I was surprised by how much I thought that some foods were healthy when in fact they weren’t, how much the fact that I didn’t like myself has impacted the way I see myself  and lastly, why it’s important to acknowledge your hormones during this journey. Something changed for me was my awareness of myself and the mirror. Something I really liked about working with Rebecca was her understanding and compassion.”

— Ivana

“I discovered short 30-40 minute workouts 3 days a week are super effective without demolishing my body. After a year I have much more overall strength and noticeable upper body strength that I didn't have before. More mindfulness around nutrition. I found Rebecca to listen really well, I feel like each program was dynamic, bespoke and addressed any and all concerns I had. I feel like each program was fun but secretly really technical without me noticing!”

— Courtney